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Hotel Dawat ensures to provide a pleasant environment which could give you a soothing feeling and relaxed state of mind. Once you experience our services will stay forever in your thought.
Tricity Location Mohali Sector 59
Phone 098767 77222

Hotel Daawat

Mohali brings you a unique hotel experience. Situated in Mohali’s lap, Daawat speaks of elegance and charm, homeliness and warmth, and the assurance of keeping you in a relaxed state of mind during your entire stay here. It treats you like home, and is also the perfect place for dining, business meetings, conferences and celebrating special events.

Listing Details

Tricity Location Mohali Sector 59
Phone 098767 77222
Website Visit Link Here
Year Established n/a
Openning Days
All Day In Week
Address SCO 10C, Phase V, Mohali, Sector 59, Chandigarh, 160059

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