Gordon Vet Hospital


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Joined August 17, 2017 7:57 am

Last online August 17, 2017 7:57 am

The Gordon Vet Hospital is open to everyone

With their incredible services and amazing working hours, the Gordon Vet Hospital is the perfect place for your pet's care. Since you can never know when your pet might need help, the Gordon Vet team works 24/7, 365 days a year, which means that you will always be able to reach them.

They have been serving the North Shore since 1971, and their hospital is fully equipped with facilities that your pet needs, all under one roof. With their incredible team of vets and nurses, you never have to worry about the safety of your pets, because the Gordon Vet team will do whatever it takes to help you.

They are known for giving professional pet care, together with compassion and understanding to both the owners and their pets. The Gordon Vet Hospital also has a website, where you can read all about them and the services they provide.

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